Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Charlie Parker works a Jersey miracle....September 2018

At long last the "planning office" in Jersey has scrapped the dreadful and dangerous public access to its South Hill offices.

Now there is a newly created access through the old Public Services/Infrastructure building next door and it seems to be much better.

At least there are no stepped barriers in front of the entrance door.

The short video below shows the exterior improvements so far.
I have not yet looked to see how the facilities inside might comply with the anti- disability discrimination law standards now being introduced  - regarding a hearing loop at the reception desk or interview rooms and suchlike - but I understand that there are no public toilets at all.
So it is far from perfect and eventually the whole facility will move into Charlie's new central States' office block at La Motte - but this is how it is today....

The "Planning Minister" John Young I gather is now at Cyril Le Marquand House well removed from the general public