Thursday, December 22, 2016

Looking forward with Roy Le Herissier to Jersey's political future.....

Roy Le Herissier was a States Deputy for fifteen years and his booming voice is much missed.

Here in this two part interview he discusses why the current system of Jersey government is failing, why the public is so disenchanted and what - if anything - might be done to change things with  a particular focus on the 2018 Jersey elections.

Part One below  (about 14 minutes);

Part Two below (about 14 minutes) ;

As always, if you think that you have something useful to say and want to record your views, please make contact.

1 comment:

  1. Roy could have been an excellent politician. A clever man. But said a lot and then sat on the fence so much he must have had splinters in his bottom. Hope he has a Happy Xmas though and you too Tom Gruchy.
