Tuesday, August 23, 2011

WHERE's the PARTY asks Donald Perrier?

This interview with DONALD PERRIER is Part 3 of a fuller version that was prepared for Nick Le Cornu’s District 1 St Helier Election 2011 blogsite.

You can view the two other parts there but I thought that Donald touches on some issues that are especially relevant – such as whatever happened to all the political parties that were promised just a few months ago?

Donald Perrier is well known at political meetings and turns out in all weathers to express his views, to hear the opinions of others and to PARTICIPATE in the political dialogue.

He is now in his 80’s but has a surprisingly optimistic enthusiasm for younger representatives in the States and reminds me very much of EMILLE COLLINS who died recently and is so very sadly missed.

The interview was recorded outside Le Folie Pub on the old French quay-side, near NORMANS.  This is one of the most neglected corners of District 1 St Helier yet lies at the very heart of Jersey’s most historic and culturally rich past.

This whole area should be a gem for so many people whether as workers or tourists, boaters, artists or residents.
Donald lives in one of the curious little cottages on the quayside which still has cod-fishery equipment at the rear – preserved and protected - but hidden away!

There were thousands of Jersey sailing ships that sailed out from this quaint corner over the centuries – but where is the memorial to a single named mariner here?

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