Friday, January 27, 2012

Michael Portillo and Chief Minister Ian Gorst - Jersey Holocaust Day 2012

Every year Jersey people remember the Holocaust along with many others around the world but the Island seems so reluctant to ratify the most basic international human rights treaties or to enact local laws against discrimination and racism or to promote equality.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Rebecca and Cosmin from Romania in a Jersey paradise...

In Romania this week there have been widespread street riots.
Similar discontent with corrupt government, a failing economy and suppression of civil rights has been expressed in neighbouring Hungary.

It is a familiar tale and serves as a useful background to this interview with Rebecca and Cosmin who have settled in Jersey and plan to start a family here.

As Christians they have faith in God so far as gaining a home in Jersey is concerned but it is especially interesting to learn something about the economic, racial and ethnic tensions that exist in Romania so that Jersey is a “paradise” in comparison.

Cosmin is from a farming family and it is also interesting to learn that Romanian agriculture is mostly organic yet many growers cannot compete with the lower prices of Turkish products that are widely imported.

When Ceausescu was deposed in 1989 the problems of this country were not solved so it is no wonder that many Romanians have taken the opportunity to seek a better life in such places as Jersey.

The sound quality on this interview with this quiet, optimistic couple is not very great but it is hoped that their tale is informative and worth a little of your attention.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Freemasons in Jersey

This interesting video is posted on the Highlands College (Jersey) media centre Youtube site.

Friday, January 6, 2012

More on Care in Jersey - the Architect's View from Paul Harding...

This is the third video blog in this series about care in Jersey because it is such an important subject that concerns us all.

Once again this interview was initially carried out as part of the research for the video "Green Paper..let's talk about it" prepared by Annette Lowe and Mike Dun and posted previously. Disc copies of this are available free of charge to any groups who want one.

Here Paul Harding, President of the Association of Jersey Architects expresses his views but reveals that the Association was not consulted by the Health Department in the preparation it its own discussion paper, published in May 2011.

If this whole matter is to be properly considered then there must be a much wider understanding of the immense peoblems ahead. Active consultation and cooperation will need to be encouraged between States Departments such as Health, Housing, Social Security, Planning and Finance besides the private and charitable providers of care, medics, volunteers, carers (paid or unpaid), those cared for, and the providers of facilities and services such as Architects and builders.

This is just a small part of that discussion process. What do YOU think?

Caring in Jersey - video response to Health Department discussions...

This is the video produced by Annette Lowe and Mike Dun referred to in the interview with Senator Francis Le Gresley already posted here. It hopefully speaks for itself but who speaks for YOU?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Senator Le Gresley Jersey's Social Security Minister interview on Caring in the Community...

Following the publication of the Health & Social Services Department Consultation Paper in May 2011 “Caring for each other…” etc I have prepared a video documentary response in conjunction with Annette Lowe.

This will be published separately on You tube and via this blog and other sites. It will also be available in DVD (Disc) format for individuals or groups with a particular interest in the issues raised.

In the meantime I am posting this interview with Senator Francis Le Gresley, the recently elected Minster for Social Security. This was recorded as part of the background research for the disc and appears here in a largely unpolished, uncut version.
Unused footage of interviews with others will also appear here in due course.

Anybody who still believes that they might slip into a comfortable future care system provided and financed by Jersey taxpayers should really study the facts.
Here we discuss some of the wider issues and responsibilities of Jersey government to provide care as well as the practicalities when so many people survive serious illness, accidents and old age but not always being able to fend for themselves.

Be warned that this interview is nearly 25 minutes long – so unless you can watch an entire episode of Eastenders or
it will probably be too much for you in one go. Best to pour a large measure of Wincarnis or make a mug of cocoa to sustain you on this voyage of discovery – but if you thought that YOU had a right to be cared for in Jersey, you had better think again. It seems that the Jersey government might have no obligation to care for anybody – just as it has recently discovered that it has no obligation to house anybody either.

So hold tight and listen carefully – your miserable or happy future might depend on it.